From stress to success
Why is it that when we set a goal, such as a New Years Resolution, we so often fall short of achieving it at the last minute?????!!!! You know the right thing to do, yet you don’t do the right things – Why does this happen?
Ever had those moments when:
- You know you need to get a job done and yet you continually procrastinate?!
- You know you should keep your mouth shut, but you keep ‘blurting’ things out that you know you shouldn’t say!
- There’s always a great excuse in the moment as to why you haven’t done something you said you would?

BELIEFS – now that’s the thing!
Theory suggests that 95% of our consciousness is held at the subconscious level of the mind – the part of our mind that stores the majority of our beliefs. This means that most of the beliefs we have about ourselves and the world are below our conscious awareness. Many of these beliefs are limiting and don’t serve us in any way. Imagine that, on a daily basis, your thoughts, actions and behaviours are being driven by your subconscious beliefs!!!! How in control of your life are you really?
Imagine waking up every day being driven – subconsciously – by beliefs such as:
- ‘Money is the root of all evil’
- ‘I don’t deserve to be successful’
- ‘I’m not worthy of a loving relationship’
- ‘If I say what I think, I’ll be judged, so it’s easier if I just agree with everyone else’
- ‘I’m scared of doing new things and meeting new people’
You probably wouldn’t have much money, be successful, have a loving relationship, voice your opinions or venture into the unknown.
Instead of having limiting beliefs, such as ‘I’m not worthy’, ‘I don’t deserve’, ‘I can’t’ stored in your subconscious mind, imagine how life could be very different if you had enhancing beliefs such as ‘I am worthy’, I deserve’ and ‘I can’ instead. These are beliefs that can support you to do the things you want to do and have the things that you want and fully deserve, be it peace, happiness, confidence, a new house, loving relationship, caring friends, more holidays or the ideal job.
Below is an example of how our beliefs can drive our thoughts, actions and behaviour, which all determine the results we have in our lives.

Example of the Belief Cycle:
Through his job, Terry has been given an opportunity to attend a conference that could open up possibilities to advance his career, which is what he has wanted for a long time.
How could Terry’s beliefs affect his chances of career advancement?
Scenario 1
Terry’s Belief = ‘I’m no good in group situations and no-one will want to talk to me.’
Action = Terry avoids talking to new people and spends most of his time on his own, looking busy or pre-occupied.
Results = No-one talks to him and Terry spends his time at the conference thinking that he has nothing interesting to say and that he is no good in group situations (self-fulfilling prophecy that confirms his original belief).
Scenario 2
Terry’s Belief = ‘I love meeting new people and doing group activities’.
Action = Terry introduces himself to new people and talks about the great ideas he has.
Result = Terry talks to a lot of people, makes some good connections and meets someone who offers him the opportunity to put his ideas into action.
PSYCH-K® is a process that can change a limiting beliefs such as “I’m no good in group situations and no-one will want to talk to me” into a supporting and enhancing belief such as “I love meeting new people and doing group activities.” In doing so, thoughts, actions and behaviours change and so do the results and outcomes.
Changing subconscious beliefs that may be sabotaging well-intentioned actions is similar to reprogramming a personal computer. Using PSYCH-K® processes, a kind of “mental keyboard” to your own brain, you can increase “cross talk” between the two brain hemispheres, thereby achieving a more “whole-brained” state, which is ideal for changing subconscious beliefs. In addition, when right and left hemispheres of the brain are in simultaneous communication, the qualities and characteristics of both hemispheres are available to maximize your full response potential to life’s challenges.
When changing beliefs it is important to have our subconscious beliefs aligned with our conscious goals and to be in a ‘whole brain state’ when doing so. More on this below…
Human brain left and right functions

The power of the subconscious mind!
Conscious Mind | Subconscious Mind |
Volitional – sets goals/judges results | Habitual – monitors operations of the body & likes familiarity |
Thinks abstractly – likes new, creative activities | Thinks literally – knows the world through the five senses. |
Time bound – past and future focused. Looks for new ways to do things based on past experience and future goals | Timeless – focuses in present time only. Uses past learning experiences to perform current functions |
Short-term memory – approx 20 seconds | Long-term memory – stores past experiences, values, attitudes and beliefs |
Limited processing capacity – on average 40 bps. Capable of managing just a few tasks at a time | Expanded processing capacity – 4 billion bps. Can manage thousands of tasks at a time |
It makes sense to have the beliefs in our subconscious mind working with us instead of against us – doesn’t it?