Workshops & Training in the UK

After searching for the missing piece in my life, I talked to Bruce Lipton and Rob Williams about PSYCH-K® at the Science and Consciousness Conference in New Mexico. I took my first Basic PSYCH-K® workshop in 2005 and haven’t looked back since. I have been teaching PSYCH-K® since 2007, after finding the missing ‘peace’ in my life.

[about Cazzie]

  • Holy

    I highly recommend Cazzie as a PSYCH-K® workshop facilitator... I look forward to doing the advanced workshop with her as well.


  • Richard

    It is great to have such a quick and effective tool for sorting out physical and emotional issues, however deep rooted they may appear to be.


  • Wil, Holland

    Thank you for the most inspiring weekend! Your enthusiasm has definitely worked on me – I am impressed with the results what PSYCH-K® has done for me so far.

    Wil, Holland

  • David

    Today I went up a ladder with no fear or anxiety, when in the past I would have felt very uncomfortable. It’s pretty impressive that a ten minute balance can clear a lifetime fear!



I am currently offering private sessions online only.

Cazzie Dare, Certified PSYCH-K® Instructor shares her story

more videos | more about Cazzie
